This weekend, Pastor Matt Fry continues the Yeshua series at C3 Church. Stay tuned during the 9:15 & 11:15 am service (EST) for a live blog of the sermon. Refresh this page during those hours for a regularly updated post.
If you would like to view the service online, please click here.
Foundational Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 (NLT)
God Blesses The Poor
What does it mean to be poor in spirit? This is when we are completely dependent upon God. Our successes are worth nothing when compared to God. Less of me, more of Jesus. When you're full of Jesus, you will be blessed. When we feel poor, the Lord will make us feel rich.
If you want to live the blessed life, it begins with the poor in spirit. We need to be humble. Having all the things in the world does not protect us.
Declaration: When I am weak God makes me strong!
God Blesses Those Who Mourn
The Holy Spirit is our comfortor. Pastor Matt tells a moving story about how he lost his mother. The Holy Spirit told him that he would have peace. God will give us the peace even before we know we need it.
If you go to Jesus with your mourning, you will be comforted.
Matt talks about his trip to Haiti and how a number of kids were without their parents due to the earthquake. It broke his heart. The kids at the orphanage were hurting and they needed hope. As he played the high five game, more and more kids came to play. Eventually, there were more kids that wanted to play than he had hands.
Jesus may have felt similarly when he was in the midst of the people. He needs help. He needs our hands and feet to help him.
Declaration: Lord, may my heart break for the things your heart breaks for.
God Blesses The Humble
God blesses those that humble themselves. Being meek, which is another word for humility, does not mean being weak. Being humble is a tough thing to do. We need God to help us do this.
Remember: Meekness is not weakness!
You may feel like you're up a creek without a paddle, but we have to humble ourselves. This means that we're teachable not defensive. Pride hinders us from being used by God.
The disciples, when they knew that God would use them, could have easily being prideful. Jesus tells them early, be humble. Serving others breaks the chain of pride. Jesus showed the disciples how to be humble by washing their feet.
Declaration: I'm going to demonstrate humility as I serve others with no strings attached.
God Blesses Those Who Hunger
Only Jesus can fulfill that hunger and thirst. Bless those who hunger and thirst for the things of God. When we pursue Jesus with passion than we will be blessed.

Does your soul pant for God? When you do, then you will be blessed.
Declaration: I'm determined to pursue Jesus with passion no matter what everyone else does.
God Blesses Those Who Are Merciful
As we have mercy, we received mercy. As we forgive others, we receive forgiveness.
How many times do I have to forgive my husband, wife, or those who have hurt me? Jesus says 70 times 7 (which equals 490) times. This means that we need to have unlimited about of mercy for others.
We should forgive the way God forgives.
Declaration: I'm going to forgive others even if they don't forgive me.
Do You Need A Fresh Start?
If you would like to make a fresh start in your life and receive God's love, pray this prayer:
Matt talks about his trip to Haiti and how a number of kids were without their parents due to the earthquake. It broke his heart. The kids at the orphanage were hurting and they needed hope. As he played the high five game, more and more kids came to play. Eventually, there were more kids that wanted to play than he had hands.
Jesus may have felt similarly when he was in the midst of the people. He needs help. He needs our hands and feet to help him.
Declaration: Lord, may my heart break for the things your heart breaks for.
God blesses those that humble themselves. Being meek, which is another word for humility, does not mean being weak. Being humble is a tough thing to do. We need God to help us do this.
Remember: Meekness is not weakness!
You may feel like you're up a creek without a paddle, but we have to humble ourselves. This means that we're teachable not defensive. Pride hinders us from being used by God.
The disciples, when they knew that God would use them, could have easily being prideful. Jesus tells them early, be humble. Serving others breaks the chain of pride. Jesus showed the disciples how to be humble by washing their feet.
Declaration: I'm going to demonstrate humility as I serve others with no strings attached.
God Blesses Those Who Hunger
Only Jesus can fulfill that hunger and thirst. Bless those who hunger and thirst for the things of God. When we pursue Jesus with passion than we will be blessed.
Does your soul pant for God? When you do, then you will be blessed.
Declaration: I'm determined to pursue Jesus with passion no matter what everyone else does.
God Blesses Those Who Are Merciful
As we have mercy, we received mercy. As we forgive others, we receive forgiveness.
How many times do I have to forgive my husband, wife, or those who have hurt me? Jesus says 70 times 7 (which equals 490) times. This means that we need to have unlimited about of mercy for others.
We should forgive the way God forgives.
Declaration: I'm going to forgive others even if they don't forgive me.
Do You Need A Fresh Start?
Dear God, I realize I've sinned and I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising from the grave. Come in to my heart and save me. Thank you for giving me eternal and abundant life. Help me to live for you, for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.To share your story, want more information about next steps, or just in need of prayer, please contact Pastor Matt Fry.
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