Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Create Your Resume In Seconds Using LinkedIn

Creating a resume can be a daunting task, especially when it hasn't been updated in years. Further complications can arise when it is in the wrong format or the layout shifts between versions. It is at times like this that one looks for help.

Look no further, because the Resume Builder, which uses LinkedIn's API, will automatically port all of your profile information into one of the 11 attractive resume templates.

How It Works
To start building your resume, do the following:

  1. Follow this link: http://resume.linkedinlabs.com
  2. Log-in to the Resume Builder using your LinkedIn username and password
  3. Select a template
  4. Edit your content to better suit your needs
  5. Share your resume by saving it as a PDF document, printing it, or sharing the direct link via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or e-mail.
In the event you don't finish editing the resume, click on the 'Managing Resume' section. Under this area, users can edit multiple resumes, control the privacy setting, share, preview, or delete the document.

Based upon my very cursory level review, I find the Resume Builder to be a valuable tool for creating a resume on the fly. However, it also reveals how little information I have in LinkedIn. Clearly, to build a comprehensive representation of my professional career, I should add more content to my profile. Overall, it gets a 'Thumbs Up!'

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Damond L. Nollan, M.B.A.

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