Sunday, October 13, 2013

Taking On The Kris Gethin 12-Week Body Transformation

Kris Gethin 12 Week Daily Video Trainer

It was after my morning devotional that I began thinking on the idea of success. I noticed how God was speaking directly to people like Joshua, Moses, Abraham, and even Adam. When they aligned themselves with God, things worked out. Things that were considered impossible were made possible.

How might we apply this truth to our lives today? While I won't say that God doesn't talk to man anymore, it's probably less rare that the sky opens and a thunderous voice speaks through the clouds. Instead, we have the Bible.

Reflecting back on what I read, I realized that when people followed directions, success was practically guaranteed. However, the opposite would be true when instructions were not adhered to. So, to be successful, we just need to follow directions. Although, I would recommend that you listen to someone with credibility.

Do What Successful People Do

Therefore, to be successful, we should do what successful people do. Whether it is in the gym, office, church, or even living room, we should follow in the footsteps of those we aspire to be like.

To dramatically change our fitness level, we should turn to those who have achieved a level of success in this area. If you want to be fit, follow someone who is fit. If you want to be rich, follow someone who is rich. If you want to have a successful business, follow someone who has a successful business.

What are these people doing with their times? What are they reading? Eating? Watching? Who are they hanging around? What does their day look like? All of these are great questions to ask.

Taking On The Challenge

This leads me to a decision that I've made today. While I've done an exceedingly great job losing weight over the past few years, roughly 50 pounds, I need to have a break through and really deal with these love handles. So, starting on Monday, October 14, 2013, I'm going to follow the leadership of Kris Gethin during his 12-week daily training program.

What's the worst that can happen? I continue to lose weight and gain lean muscle. I can deal with that.

As I prepare my mind for the 12-week workout and meal plan, I am excited about the opportunity to learn something new. For years, I have lost weight doing what I know, but there has to be an even more efficient means of reaching my goals. This program may just be one of those ways.

Alongside my physical fitness, I am also seeking a plan to finish my dissertation and improve production within my business. All of which I believe is doable if I find someone or some plan to follow.

In the end, it's not about my limited perception or experience. Instead, I aim to get around the most successful people I know and simply do what they do. It's worked in the past and it will work now.

Your Thoughts?

Let me ask you, what is something that you would like to achieve? Who will you follow and what plan will it take to get you there? Let's explore it together.

Until next time...

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Damond L. Nollan, M.B.A.

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