Monday, March 5, 2012

If You Want More [Fill In The Blank], Then Do More

Have you ever had a message that kept showing up in different places? It's as if you're going to keep hearing it until you actually listen. For me, that message turned out to be the law of GIVING.

Jimmy Evans
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to Jimmy Evans talk about this very thing. In a sermon titled  "How Much Do You Want?," Mr. Evans provides a Biblical perspective on God's promise.
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” [Luke 6:38 (NKJV)]
This verse provides two important points: 1) Give and it will be given to you 2) Give a little, receive a little. Give a lot, receive a lot. Therefore, your measure of blessings is determined by your measure of giving.

Bruce Sallan
In another example, my Twitter friend, Ann Tran, shared a link to a blog written by Bruce Sallan. The name of the article is "Why I Comment All The Time" and it outlines the best way to increase interaction, learning, and friendship.

The takeaway: Comment on other people's blog and you will get comments on yours. At the time of this post, he had 61 comments and counting.

Ileane Smith
One final example of someone who is putting the law of giving into practice is my friend Ileane Smith. Ms. Ileane is known for her comment love, retweets, and guest posts. She gives, gives, and gives some more. In return, she receives tons of support, comments, and retweets.

In an interview with Tom Shivers, Ileane shared her winning strategy on getting blog comments and building relationships. In short, comment on other people's blogs and be a friend to others.

Closing Thought
As I prepare to end this post, I want to stress how life changing this one truth can be and challenge you to give it a try for one week. Give more [fill in the blank] and see if you don't get more in return. My guess is that you cannot out give the Giver. Once you do, come back and let me know the results in the comment section below.

If you want more followers in your social network, then follow more.
If you want more money in your wallet, then give more.
If you want more comments on your blog, then comment more.
If you want more friends in your life, then be a friend more.
If you want more likes on Facebook, then like more.
If you want more respect, then respect more.
If you want more love, then love more.
If you want more listeners to your podcast, then listen more.
If you want more subscribers to your newsletter, then subscribe more.
If you want more engagement on or offline, then engage more.


Unknown said...

This really is a great reminder for anyone getting discouraged out there. It all takes time and a lot of effort. Be more and you will receive more.

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Damond L. Nollan, M.B.A.

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