In this entry, I would like to review those goals and compare them to actual results. Shall we begin?
2010 Resolutions
Earn the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA): The terminal degree and I are separated by my final assignment, the dissertation. In 2010, I plan to complete the proposal and finish my research strong.
Results: It has been exactly 12 months and I have not finished my proposal. Truth be told, I have done very little to move this project forward.
Lower bodyfat between 6-9 percent: The way my body looks has been an issue for me since college. Up and down my weight goes, but never quite reached my goal of 6-9% bodyfat. 2010 is the year. I am focused, armed with a plan, and building an online support group, so this time it will happen.
Results: I did a great job of working out this year. From the beginning of the year until August, I lost over 30 pounds. Even with that commendable accomplishment, it was not enough to reach my goal of 9%.
Strengthen number of readers on damondnollan.com: I read an article recently that outlined a natural progression of bloggers. Based upon my own assessment, I am in the building phase. At this time, I have a solid foundation of posts, but need to focus on increasing readership. To do this, I will continue to write articles that seek to help others and focus on engaging more with my on/offline community.
Results: 2010 was a great year for damondnollan.com. I improved my numbers in just about every area possible, which includes pageviews, number of visitors, pages per visit, and a lowered bounce rate. Hands down, this goal was met.
Establish on-going training program for Middle Eastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi: At the time of this article, the training committee is working hard to launch an online training program pilot for its members. Using Moodle, we seek to help province members become better leaders and men. My goal is to move past the pilot program and establish the online training as an on-going program.
Results: During the summer board meeting, the pilot program was deemed a success. We received the approval to incorporate other trainings into the program. As a result, the committee developed a course for new initiates, but it has not yet been approved for production. Can we call this 75% done?
Strengthen the Smithfield Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi to at least 15 members: Smithfield Alumni is a small chapter, when you compare it to some of the larger chapters across the province. As Polemarch (president), I want to lead the chapter back into prosperity. To do that, we must rebuild the organization one brother at a time. The chapter must return to a time of fulfilling needs and upholding expectations. 2010 is the year for growth.
Results: During the Spring and Fall semesters of 2010, the chapter successfully initiated 11 new members. This brings the membership of Smithfield Alumni to 18, which means I surpassed my goal by 3 members. That's very good news!
Final Thoughts
Reviewing last years goals, I see that I successfully finished roughly 2.75 out of 5 goals set. While I'm pleased with my accomplishments, I know that I could have done better. In a subsequent post, I will outline my goals for 2011 and incorporate some necessary changes.
With that written, I would like to extend a special thanks to the Kappa Brothers of Smithfield Alumni and the Middle Eastern Province for helping me achieve these goals. Additionally, I would like to thank you, the reader, for supporting me this past year. It is because of you that I was able to surpass my 2009 numbers. Here is to you, Cheers!
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